Summer Solstice From My B.O.S.
Posted by Cat
High on June 3, 2008 at 12:44am
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Midsummer – June 21st
Life Events celebrated: Maturity and Strength
Other Names: Litha, Leitha,
Midsummer's Eve, St. John's Eve, Grian-Stad, Alban Hefin, Summer Solstice,
Symbols: Spear, Cauldron, St. John's
Wort, Sun Images, Faerie Images, Fires, Night of the
Verbena (Vervain),
Colors: Orange,
Yellow, Green, Blue,
Foods: First Fruits, Vegetables and Grains, Pumpernickel Bread, Ale, Mead,
Plants & herbs: Mugwort, Chamomile, Rose, Ivy,
Wild Thyme, Lavender, Orchid, Yarrow, Oak, Vervain, St. John's Wort, Rue, Trefoil,
Incense & Oils: Lily of the Valley, Lavender, Lemon,
Stones: Topaz, Agate, Alexandrite, Fluorite, Moonstone, Pearl, Emerald, Jade,
Animals & Mythical Creatures: Butterfly, Frog, Toad, Wren, Robin, Peacock,
Snakes, Serpents, Satyrs, Faeries, Firebirds, Dragons, Sylphs,
Appropriate Goddesses: All Love, Beauty, and Mother Goddess Aspects
Appropriate Gods: All Sun, Fire, and Fertility God Aspects
Decorations: Greenman, Wild Man of the Woods, Oak
King, Pan, Satyrs, Summer’s Wildflowers,
Activities: Picnics, Leave out Food and Gifts for Faeries, Jumping Bonfires,
Gathering & Drying Herbs, Masquerade Ball, Dancing, Making Music, Feating, Contests of Strength and Agility,
Spell/Ritual Themes: A time to perform magicks of all
kinds. Healings, Love, Protection, Purification, Energy, and Fairy Magicks are especially suitable.
The name 'Litha' for the holiday is a modern usage,
possibly based on a Saxon word that means the opposite of Yule,
still, there is little historical justification for its use in this context.
This is the longest day and shortest night of the year, when the sun has
reached the Tropic of Cancer. The sabbat is
reflective of adult maturity and strength. God is at the peak of his power, as
is all of nature's bounty. The Earth is awash in the fertility of the Goddess
and God. The Lord of Light having reached his zenith of strength, he crests,
must giving way to his twin, the Lord of Shadows, God King of the dark half of
the year.
Certain courageous souls might spend the night keeping watch in the center of a
circle of standing stones. To do so would certainly result in either death,
madness, or (hopefully) the power of inspiration to become a great poet or
bard. (This is, by the way, identical to certain incidents in the first branch
of the 'Mabinogion'.) This was also the night when
the serpents of the island would roll themselves into a hissing, writhing ball
in order to engender the 'glain', also called the
'serpent's egg', 'snake stone', or 'Druid's egg'. Anyone in possession of this
hard glass bubble would wield incredible magical powers. Even Merlyn himself
went in search of it, according to one ancient Welsh story. According to
British Fairy lore, this night was second only to Halloween for its importance
to the wee folk. In order to see them, you had only to gather fern seed at the
stroke of midnight and rub it onto your eyelids. But be sure to carry a little
bit of rue in your pocket, or you might well be 'pixie-led'. Or, failing the
rue, you might simply turn your jacket inside-out, which should keep you from
harm's way. But if even this fails, you must seek out one of the 'ley lines', the old straight tracks, and stay upon it to
your destination. This will keep you safe from any malevolent power, as will
crossing a stream of 'living' (running) water.
Other customs included decking the house (especially over the front door) with
birch, fennel, St. John's
wort, orpin, and white
lilies. St. John's
wort was especially honored by young maidens who
picked it in the hopes of divining a future lover. Large bonfires were lit in England,
thus “setting the watch” as the wards on city boundaries were renewed, with
celebrants jumping over, through, or between bonfires for good luck. Revelers
wandered from one bonfire to another, known as the “marching watch,” and were
often attended by morris dancers.

Midsummer Blessing –
Father and Mother blessings be,
Nurture your world for me,
Open my eyes to better see
All that I may neglect unconsciously,
Bestow your gifts graciously,
And I will reciprocate thankfully.
© Cat High
At Midsummer I think of fields of wildflowers and
butterflies flitting between each blossom. To me, this is a time to bask in the
warmth of the God’s love and enjoy the Goddess’s Natural beauty at its zenith.
Description – The rich dark molasses flavor of rye combined with a slight
savory sour taste, followed by the smooth, honeyed flavor from the ritual
chalice as we toast the upcoming harvest season.
As I mentioned back at Beltane (my first Sabbat blog) ..... I will be posting a blog for each Sabbat, and try to post it to anticipate any of you who may
want to use my blessing for ritual or personal use in your B.0.S. just list me as the author is all I ask in return.
Enjoy! and have a wonderful upcoming Midsummer
Blessings Cat =^o^=