Dinner is Served



Vila's Cottage Crafts

Radio Interview

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Dips and dressings and sauces can really make a dish pop! But you don't need the bought junk! Make these (and many more) from Dinner Is Served and taste the difference fresh makes! Just delicious. And outrageously easy. You'll really enjoy the recipes in this book!

Loaded with easy and delicious recipes, this book will please even dedicated meat eaters! And you don't need a bunch of exotic ingredients to make these dishes! This book will make even a novice in the kitchen look like a pro!
NOW JUST 2.99! No shipping! No delay!

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For a sneak peek at this cookbook, click here.

Below is a slide show featuring some of the recipes from this book.

Each of these (and each of the other) soups from Dinner Is Served is a simple treat that takes no time to make! You really must try the carrot sweet potato soup! And the corn bisque! And, well, truthfully, all of them! They're all SO GOOD!


Patti writes on Amazon:
5.0 out of 5 starsSo good!

I love Vila's books. ALL of her recipes are SO good. Meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans will love these recipes. They're filling & delicious, all while being super healthy! Vila also includes nutrition information, which is very helpful, and something that is often not included in cookbooks that aren't specifically for losing weight.

Of Dinner Is Served, Moonwillow writes on Amazon:

5.0 out of 5 starsYum!
November 12, 2017
As usual I can depend on great tips for ingredients and healthy meals in her cookbook, she never disappoints. It's not just a cookbook, but the author includes tips on products and benefits from different foods that I otherwise wouldn't have known. Looking forward to her next one.

Jane Firebaugh writes on Amazon

This is a wonderful cookbook, filled with fabulous gourmet vegan recipes, and great health information about each recipe. Written in a lovely, easy-to-read style that will make your cooking experiences a joy. Great for anyone who likes to cook healthy food, not only for vegans.

Of Dinner Is Served, Julianna Joyce Feher writes on facebook: just fixed the Roasted Unsausage and Veggies.... big time YUM!

Moonwillow writes on Amazon:
5.0 out of 5 stars Dinner is Served! March 22, 2014
By moonwillow
Just as her other books, this one is awesome and leaves one drooling. The recipes are amazing, the health tips so beneficial, and the recipes easy to prepare. Do yourself a favor and purchase all or any of her books if you want to learn how to eat better and healthier.....if you want some magick in your life try her Forest Song series, i cannot say enough about this author she just leaves you wanting more!

I love, love, love Dinner is Served! I got it for myself last month and have been cooking from it ever since. My family's happy, and so am I! The food's delicious, and I know they're eating right. Now I'm going to give it this Christmas to all my friends! This book is too good not to share!

  — Emily Paul

I love Dinner is Served! The recipes are so easy to follow and so delicious! And I love the health information Vila gives with each recipe! I actually feel like a good cook now. And I feel so virtuous about what I'm eating! This is great!

  — Subway_Girl

These dishes are super! We love them! Thanks for sharing your magical kitchen for us to make great meal too!

  — Dawn Richardson

Dinner is Served is a wonderful cookbook appropriate for both the budding vegetarian and the vegan connoisseur. I've made several recipes in this book so far, and each was a big hit. Each was gone in a flash! If you're looking for a vegan cookbook full of healthy, delicious, and easy-to-make recipes, this is the one for you! I can't recommend it highly enough!

  — Pam Strizek

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