Ritual Chris celebrated at Yule



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I'm starting a new feature. I'm asking people to send me THEIR rituals. Everyone celebrates the Sabbats and Esbats differently, and I don't want to give the impression that there's a "right" or "wrong" way to do it. However people choose to do it is the "right" way if it sings to them. Here are some lovely rituals and spells that people have already sent. Feel free to send me yours! Just go back to the home page and click below my picture to email me.

This one is the ritual Chris celebrated at Yule

I love fog and the special quality of the silence that comes with it. Was especially intrigued by this as I don't think I have ever before seen snow coming down through the fog ~ was entranced! Delighted!

Alas. No ships out there when I went to the Lake this afternoon, so I could not even SEE the light house, but I could hear that hollow slub of water in the rocks, and see the cracked sheets of of thick ice in all the small mooring slips and hear the gulls out on the jetty.

This evening instead of going to the Lake, we went to the Ahnapee River above the damn and made a small altar and fire by the boat ramp. I love making altars out of the resources at hand ~ found some purrfect and willing rocks to mark the directions and put colored candles on each; and a small log that we covered with evergreen branches; for Water, we had the river; for Earth we used the rich loam near the shore; for Air we had the wind herself and added rich incense for her to play with; and we made a Fire. And we had tall grasses that grow at the edge of the banks and made frond-wands for moving in our Circle ~ we bound the brushy ends and lighted them to burn as we moved!

And we called the directions and chanted the Magick and made a ceremony of protection and invitation and hope for the light as we lighted candles and parted the fog and the dark . . . and laid aside our fears for hope in the light to come . . . transformation.

We drank hot spicy cider from a thermos and ate grapes and cookies.

Since all that we used belonged to the place we burned our olde in the ashes and when we left, we returned all to the River with chants and joy!

We each carried away a protected candle and will burn them all night in our separate windows until dawn.


