This is traditionally a time of purification — clean your house!
If you have any Christmas greenery lingering, burn it now.
Make your own Brighid's crosses and hang them up, especially in the kitchen where her influence can bless your food.
Put out food — cake, buttered bread and milk will do — outside your door:
Brighid and her cow walk through the neighborhood tonight, and will appreciate your offering.
Leave a silk ribbon on your doorstep for Brighid to bless:
It can then be used for healing purposes.
Meditate upon what you would like to see grow in health and strength this year: for yourself, your family, your community, the Earth, and ask for Bride's blessing upon your prayers.
An Imbolc Blessing
May the light of the Goddess always shine on you
May the god and goddess bless you with the light and warmth of a thousand suns
And may you dance under the light of the moon
May you see the moon's light and know
That even in the darkest night the Goddess's light will find you, and keep you safe from harm.
And when it is darkest I will be there with a candle to light your way.