Full Moon Ritual 15 Gort-Ivy (5 November) in the year of our Lady 2006



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Needs: Red altar cloth, 2 red candles, 2 candlesticks, matches, censer, charcoal block, picture of a chicken, a dime, a piece of amber, picture of a cornucopia, bowl of fruit, bowl of LIGHTLY salted water, mint, goldenrod, pine, Goddess Chant CD by Carol Shawna (available at www.amazon.com), CD player


Play Make Sacred Space (track 3)
Cleanse space by sprinkling salt water
Cleanse aura by sprinkling salt water


Set up altar: Place 1 red candle in the center of altar and the other at fire. Place the censer next to the central red candle. Place the picture of the chicken and the dime at air. Place the amber at water. Place the cornucopia at earth, and the bowl of fruit at spirit.
Light red candle in the center of the altar
Light the charcoal and allow to heat


Close the circle


Aje, Beloved Yorba Goddess of wealth, you who take the form of money or the form of a five-toed chicken, you who scratch the hard earth until rich soil appears, I invite you into my circle this night. Scratch the hard soil of my life, blessed Mother of abundance, that the prosperity hidden beneath the surface may appear and bring abundance.


Hold the dime in your hand and breathe on it. As you do visualize the dime multiplying. Then put it back on the altar.


Jocebed, great Hebrew Goddess, Mother of Miriam, divine splendor, you who glow with unearthly light, I invite you into my circle this night. Come, ancient mother of plenty, you who feed a whole people from your breasts. I need your abundance tonight and forevermore.


Light the candle. Watch it glow. See the Goddess standing in the flame. Greet her with whatever words you choose.


Amberella, you who live in the Baltic sea with your lover, the prince of the waves, you who glow with divine light and throw chunks of amber to the shore from the stormy tide, I invite you into my circle this night. Show me, sweet Lady the riches to be gleaned from the storms I'm experiencing.


Hold the amber to your heart and visualize great wealth being tossed into your lap.


Copia, Roman Goddess of plenty from whom we get the words cornucopia and copious, you who grant great wealth to those who love and serve you, I invite you into my circle this night. Come lady of abundance! Fill my cornucopia this night!


Stroke the cornucopia. See it fill up with money and jewels. Watch how the gems and coins overflow onto the altar.


Habondia, Great Mother of Plenty whom we celebrate at the time of the harvest, you who gave us the word abundance, you who are the special divinity of witches, I invite you into my circle this night to bring abundance into my life that I may live free from want and worry.


Eat a piece of fruit. It is a gift for you. As you take in the sweetness you ingest the wealth the Goddess has to offer.


I am here to manifest great wealth for myself for now and forevermore. I deserve this wealth. I have earned this wealth. It belongs to me, for it is a gift of the great Goddesses. I laugh at my bills, for they are so small compared to the income I have. Every night I dream of the success I have in making my wishes come true. And every day when I wake up I thank Goddess for the abundance she has provided.


Charge of the Goddess
Whenever you need anything, once a month and best when the moon is full, and eight times more in the year, you shall meet in some safe place to celebrate my spirit, who am the queen of all women. You shall meet in freedom, and as a sign of trust you shall be naked in your rites. Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in my presence, for mine is ecstasy of the spirit and joy on earth. My only law is love unto all. Mine is the secret that opens on the door of birth and mine is the mystery of life that is the Cauldron of Hecate, the womb of immortality. I give knowledge of the all -creative spirit, and beyond death I give peace and reunion with those gone before. Nor do I ask any sacrifice, for I am the mother of all things and my love is the breast milk that nourishes the earth.
I who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters, I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed and unto me they must return. Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold- all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And you who seek to know me, know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not unless you know the mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.


Place some mint on the charcoal.
Mint, mint, herb of relief. You bring me wealth beyond belief.


Place some pine on the charcoal.
Pine, pine, your smoke curls and climbs. Great abundance and riches are mine.


Place some goldenrod on the charcoal.
Goldenrod I burn for unexpected good luck. Its smoke fills my coffers with megabucks.


Draw down the moon


Circle the dime clockwise over the incense smoke.
In thanks and rejoicing I give you the gift of sweet smelling incense for al the wealth you have poured into my lap.


Circle the candle at fire clockwise over the incense smoke.
In thanks and rejoicing I give you the gift of sweet smelling incense for al the wealth you have poured into my lap.


Circle the amber clockwise over the incense smoke.
In thanks and rejoicing I give you the gift of sweet smelling incense for al the wealth you have poured into my lap.


Circle the cornucopia clockwise over the incense smoke.
In thanks and rejoicing I give you the gift of sweet smelling incense for al the wealth you have poured into my lap.


Circle the bowl of fruit over the incense smoke.
In thanks and rejoicing I give you the gift of sweet smelling incense for al the wealth you have poured into my lap.


Clap in joy! Laugh! Sing! Rejoice! All the bills are paid! All debts are taken care of! Magnificent wealth has finally found you! Give heartfelt thanks for the blessings of wealth that have finally come your way!


Play Blessed be (track 6)


If you'd like, journey now. Go into you safe place and find the great wealth Goddess has given you. When you are ready come back and ground. Send excess energy into the earth so others can find it and pay their bills too.


Thank the Goddesses in reverse order, beginning with Habondia and ending with Aje. Open the circle.


Sing May the Circle be Open (optional)


Let the candles burn out on their own.
Return the salt water to a body of water or to the earth.
When the incense ashes have cooled, scatter them at your front doorstep in thanks to Goddess for the wealth she's given you.
