Gold colored altar cloth, 1 yellow candle, 1 pink or rose candle, 1 blue candle, 1 green candle, 1 lavender candle, 5 candlesticks, matches, censer, cinnamon, bay leaf, allspice, charcoal block, Shawna Carol's CD Goddess Chant, CD player, small slips of paper, pencil, basket, globe, salt
Cleanse space by sprinkling A LITTLE salt around the circle.
Cleanse aura by sprinkling A LITTLE salt over yourself.
Set up altar:
Place the yellow candle at air, the pink or rose at fire, the blue at water, the green at earth, and the lavender at spirit. Place the censer in the middle of the altar, the basket to the right of it, and the globe to the left of it. Place the paper and pencil where they are handy for you.
Light charcoal and allow to heat
Close the circle:
Tara, Hindu star Goddess, you whose insatiable corporal and spiritual hunger propels all life, you whose compassion knows no end, I invite you into my circle this night. Come, dynamic Lady of the sky! Bless me with your light! (Light the yellow candle)
Brigid, Celtic Goddess of healing, you who hold the power to heal all ills within your magic cauldron, I invite you into my circle this night. Come Healing Goddess of fire! Bring me your light tonight! (Light the rose or pink candle)
Quan Yin, Chinese Mother of Compassion, Goddess of the water and of the moon, you who specialize in self-healing, I invite you into my circle this night. Come compassionate Goddess of healing! Bless me with your glowing light. (Light the blue candle)
Vila, Middle European Goddess of the woods, you who heal with herbs and with the ancient wisdom of the earth, you whose name I wear in respect and joy, I invite you into my circle this night! Come, Sweet Lady of the woods! Bless me with your healing light! (Light the green candle)
Isis, Egyptian Goddess of healing, Lady of the sky and of the earth, Lady of the underworld and of the world above, Lady who knows no limitation, I invite you into my circle this night. Come Lady who is worshipped around the world! Bless me with the light of your wisdom and healing tonight! (Light the lavender candle)
This is the night of autumn equinox, a time when life is in perfect balance, when the light of the sun heals the darkness of grief, when the body of the earth and of all her creatures are in perfect harmony. The fall is a time of healing, when women gather in circles, spiritually and in person, to heal themselves and each other, when we work together to heal the earth, our Mother. For the earth IS our mother. She will take care of us. The earth is our mother. We must take care of her! Blessed be, my sisters of the spirit! Blessed be, sweet earth, the mother of us all!
Charge of the Goddess:
Whenever you need anything, once a month and best when the moon is full, and eight times more in the year, you shall meet in some safe place to celebrate my spirit, who am the queen of all women. You shall meet in freedom, and as a sign of trust you shall be naked in your rites. Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in my presence, for mine is ecstasy of the spirit and joy on earth. My only law is love unto all. Mine is the secret that opens on the door of birth and mine is the mystery of life that is the Cauldron of Hecate, the womb of immortality. I give knowledge of the all -creative spirit, and beyond death I give peace and reunion with those gone before. Nor do I ask any sacrifice, for I am the mother of all things and my love is the breast milk that nourishes the earth.
I who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters, I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed and unto me they must return. Let my worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold- all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And you who seek to know me, know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not unless you know the mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which us attained at the end of desire.
Place some cinnamon on the charcoal. Cinnamon, cinnamon burns and burns. Heals the world as the year's wheel turns.
Place a bay leaf on the charcoal. Bay, bay releases smoke to heal the hearts that sorrow broke.
Place some allspice on the charcoal. Allspice brings healing and riches and luck. Its smoke clears away all illness' muck.
Write each of the names of the people and animals you personally know who need healing on an individual piece of paper. Bless each as you place it in your basket. When you have finished hold the basket over the incense smoke.
Smoke of incense heals you true. Brings joy and robust health to you.
Fan the incense smoke to yourself. Repeat the blessing, replacing the word "me" for "you".
Hold the globe in your arms or in your hands. Send healing energy to the earth through your hands. Kiss it three times then hold it over the incense smoke. Repeat the blessing.
Play Shawna Carol's Mother's Gift. (Track 4)
Meditate on the healing power of your will. See it encircling each individual you have blessed. See it encircling the globe, healing it and all who live over it, on it, and under it. Finally, see the healing power encircling you. Watch it cleanse away all heartache, all worry, all illness, all that is negative. When you are ready come back and ground, sending excess energy into the earth
Open the circle. Thank the Goddess in reverse order, beginning with Isis and ending with Tara.
Let candles burn out on their own. When incense has cooled scatter the ashes to the four winds.