Vila SpiderHawk’s Furry Companions



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Miminess close to the hearth

Her Miminess close to the hearth waiting PATIENTLY for me to start a fire!

Skitter and KC snuggling

Isn’t it a shame that Skitter and KC just can’t seem to get along?

Her Miminess is NOT in the mood!

Puck makes a grand entrance into my bedroom

Cadeau examining my friend’s shopping bag

Freckles chilling out on my bed.

It’s such a shame that Skitter and KC can’t seem to get along!

KC relaxes while Puck joins my cat collection

Cadeau's checking out the kitty salad

Her Miminess on her throne (my desk chair). Actually her real throne is my lap, but she uses the chair in a pinch.

Freckles chilling on the window seat.

KC and Skitter together again! (Yeah like anyone could keep 'em apart!)

Puck likes to make sure my CPU is working right.

On the other hand, Cadeau prefers to talk to Samantha Squirrel

Freckles waits his turn while Skitter gives KC a bath

Puck in front of the fire. And Mimi smack up against the screen. I swear, Mimi would climb INSIDE the fireplace if she could!

Same shot, different angle. You can see all the kitty stockings are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that catnip mousies soon will be there.

Okay, okay, so Carlos Cardinal is not a furry creature. But he does come by for a snack sometimes. And the kitties LOVE to see him!

And here's Wally Woodpecker. He loves his suet!

This is why I don't use the magazine holder in my office for magazines

Sometimes Freckles actually poses for me

KC communing with Samantha Squirrel

Samantha herself

Cadeau conversing with Samantha

Skitter, Freckles, and KC discussing what to do with the fruit

Cadeau and Mimi. This is why people seldom get to sit on a whole chair at our house.

KC helping me set up a new altar in my bedroom

Freckles is about to nudge KC from his position at the bar! Yeah he STILL has that little drinking problem.

And speaking of drinking, Puck LOVES green tea! So I always give him a little bowl of it. Keeps him out of my cup (usually)

Cadeau checking out my shopping bag. You never know what surprises could be hiding there!

Mimi hiding under my pillow.

Believe it or not, this blob is Skitter

Cadeau checking out the scenery

Sometimes Skitter likes to play dominos on my laptop.

Mimi's cranky because Freckles crowded her out from under the blankets

The sun on his belly! Oh life can be SO difficult sometimes!

KC daring me to make the bed.

For once Freckles pauses to pose for me!

Our friend Daisy Deer came by to visit and to munch on some flowers in our yard. This is taken through a window so we wouldn't startle her.

Okay so Sarah the snake isn’t a furry friend. But isn’t she lovely?

Cadeau chilling in the middle of the kitchen floor. Gotta keep up with all the happenings, after all!

Skitter under the dining room table. That's where he goes when he wants to be alone. (So of course I follow him there with my stupid camera!)

Puck lodging a complaint. There's no fire in the hearth.

Mimi and KC on my bed. This is why some days my bed just doesn't get made.

Freckles. Some days are just like that.

Cadeau is KING OF THE HILL! Or at least king of the cat condo.

KC Chilling by the window in the living room.

Skitter's on a mission. (My guess would be going for a snack.)

Puck likes to help me with my research.

There's always some smart alec who comes along and interrupts your nap with a camera! Poor Freckles!

Mimi has made herself at home in my new office on my new office chair (her new favorite place)

Okay, so Charlotte isn't a furry friend. But she's a beautiful spider, don't you think?

Puck on desk

Puck trying on my desk in the new office and finding that it fits him just fine


There's Cadeau in the kitchen again!

KC in Kitty Condo

KC in the kitty condo. I think he was watching Cadeau. You never know what offensive thing Cadeau's going to do


Having checked out the stereo equipment, Freckles is about to take a stroll across the mantle

Skitter and KC

Skitter and KC on the baker's island in the kitchen.


That lump under the comforter is Mimi. Below is a more photogenic picture of her.


Poor Mimi! She STILL can't make up her mind!

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