Vegetarian Delights



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Is anything more comforting than pot pie on a chilly autumn evening? Or a delicious new take on lasagna? Or a new favorite--pea and spinach quiche or marinated portabellas? These (and many more) are all at your fingertips in Vegetarian Delights! And each is truly a delight to eat! Get the book! You'll be so glad you did!
ASIN: B00997VER8

Discover the gorgeous colors, the magnificent flavors, and the enormous health benefits of vegetarian food in this lovely cookbook!

NOW JUST 2.99! No shipping! No delay!

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For a sneak peek at this cookbook, click here.

Below is a slide show featuring some of the recipes from this book.

This pasta with avocado pesto from Vegetarian Delights is absolutely delicious, yet it makes up in minutes. flavored with cilantro and garlic and lemon and other good things, the pesto just whips up in a blender or food processor. Just scrumptious! Heal

th tip associated with this dish:

"Avocados are a rich source of monounsaturated fats, particularly a kind called oleic acid. We've found that these monounsaturated fats improve fat levels in the body and help control diabetes," says Abhimanyu Gard, MD, associate professor of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
New Foods for Healing by Selene Yeager, p 71


Patti writes on Amazon:
5.0 out of 5 stars

Perfection! If you're wanting to eat healthier, whether you're a vegetarian, meat eater, or somewhere in between, this is the cookbook for you. It has so many delicious recipes, for everything! Dips, appetizers, main dishes, it's got it all. She also includes helpful information with each recipe, and I really appreciate it. I'm always on the lookout for more books from Vila! They are well worth it!

Amazon customer writes on Amazon:
5.0 out of 5 starsFive Stars

gives me great opportunities to try Vegetarian dishes!

Of Vegetarian Delights, Moonwillow writes on Amazon:

November 12, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
If your thinking od starting a healthier way of eating, this is just the book for you. Not only is it packed with everything from appetizers, dips, and main courses, it has many helpful health tips and benefits explained which is a big plus. Recipes are easy to follow and delicious.

Today I would like to give a book review on the e-book: Vegetarian Delights by Vila SpiderHawk. As a former meat eater, and the child who hated vegetables, I must say that when I turned vegetarian, then vegan, books like hers were a welcome addition to my cook book library. NOT a boring cookbook by far!! Not the usual abstract hard to find ingredients type of book, but one that you use on a day to day basis. For those with vegan and not vegetarian appetites, I can honestly say that the transition to switch over to vegan is easily adaptable. I love to cook! These recipes are easy and convenient! I do not like spending alot of time with preparing the dish, therefore her easy writing style makes getting things together all the more enjoyable and simple. Many of her topic in this cookbook are breads,desserts,dips and sauces and dressings and uncheese, oven dishes, salads, side dishes, soups and stews, and stove top dishes. I am still working through this cook book and so far I have really enjoyed the "Apple Walnut Muffins, Almond Orange Apricot Pudding, Sweet Potato Casserole, and the Unturkey pot pie (no meat turkey). The list is endless and I can tell you that when you do purchase this book, it is really well worth the money...and MORE! I highly recommend this book to anyone! If you are an avid vegan, vegetarian or just anyone who wishes to incorporate more vegetarian dishes into their diet, then this book is for you! Best wishes! Dee Dee Hitt

  — Dee Dee Hitt

Bonnie Sanders writes on facebook: Vegetarian Delights is the best! We use it all the all of the results of the delightful dishes...

Of Vegetarian Delights, Wendy Beare writes: I have only had this book for a few days, but reading through it, it is full of delicious looking recipes and information. I have tried the coleslaw with avocado dressing. It was the best coleslaw I have ever tried. It was light, fruity, and tangy. Certainly not as heavy or sickly like commercially bought coleslaw. Absolutely delicious. I can't wait to try some of the other recipes. Five stars!

Vila SpiderHawk has outdone herself with this new Vegetarian Delights cookbook. It is packed with plenty of healthy recipes, from appetizers and dips to main course, deserts and breads. A must have for healthy eating and cooking. And I especially love the extra health related information that accompanies the recipes. I found these tidbits very informative and enjoyable. Love it, it is now my new favorite cookbook!

  — Dee

Another great book
Another great book filed with tasty recipes that are not only delicious but vegitarian (and some vegan) too. I have grown to love not only Vila's characters in her Forest Song series but their (and her) recipes. They are easy to make and wonderfully delicious! Thanks again Vila!

  — Anonymous

An excellent resource for those who want to eat healthy while enjoying exceptional taste and ease of preparation! Jennie Cummings

  — Subway_Girl

An excellent resource for those who want to eat healthy while enjoying exceptional taste and ease of preparation!

  — Jennie Cummings

Wonderfully delish!

Another great book filed with tasty recipes that are not only delicious but vegitarian (and some vegan) too. I have grown to love not only Vila's characters in her Forest Song series but their (and her) recipes. They are easy to make and wonderfully delicious! Thanks again Vila!

  — Anonymous

Delights, indeed!, September 26, 2012
By R. White

If you are looking for a healthier cooking alternative, or just love vegetarian dishes, this book is for you! Vegetarian Delights is full of mouth watering recipes, including appetizers, breads, dips, soups, main courses, and desserts. Vila even includes information on the healthful benefits related to the ingredients used in her recipes! Healthy, delicious, AND educational, this book definitely delights!

I have a copy [of Vegetarian Delights] and sorry but I will not be loaning it out. The last time I loaned out a Vila SpiderHawk cookbook, I had a difficult time getting it back. The cookbook is that SUPERB!!!

  — Loreen Silvarahawk

Helathy and Informative September 22, 2012
By Dee

Vila SpiderHawk has outdone herself with this new Vegetarian Delights cookbook. It is packed with plenty of healthy recipes, from appetizers and dips to main course, deserts and breads. A must have for healthy eating and cooking. And I especially love the extra health related information that accompanies the recipes. I found these tidbits very informative and enjoyable. Love it, it is now my new favorite cookbook!

Vegetarian Delights is a "must have" cookbook for those who want delicious meals while returning to a healthy lifestyle. Vila Spiderhawk has definitely surpassed her skills as a writer and gourmet cook. She has not only put together a superb cookbook but there is great information about the ingredients used in each recipe. Vegetarian Delights will be a cookbook that I will use over and over for many years.

  — Loreen Silvarahawk