Gluten Free and Glorious



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Oven dishes are so delightful! They fill the house with yummy aromas and free you up to do other things while they're cooking, and the oven dishes in Gluten Free and Glorious are no exception. In fact, they're a cut above! Delicious, easy, inexpensive to make, healthy, and, best of all gluten free! How can you go wrong with this book!

Who knew that gluten-free dishes could be so delicious and satisfying! You'll love this book, whether or not you merrily munch on wheat and, for that matter, whether or not you're vegetarian!

NOW JUST 2.99! No shipping! No delay!

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For a sneak peek at this cookbook, click here.

Below is a slide show featuring some of the recipes from this book.

Of course you can have bread on a gluten-free diet! And you don't have to put up with stuff that tastes like cardboard. These breads from Gluten Free and Glorious are all absolutely delicious. I know, because I've eaten them all myself, as have many of my guests.


Patti D writes on Amazon:
Normally I wouldn't have purchased a gluten-free cookbook, but my sister was recently advised by her doctors to start a gluten-free diet. So, I've looked high and low for some truly tasty gluten-free recipes and products so I can cook them for her. This is it! Vila has many awesome and truly yummy recipes in this book. I asked my sister what her diet consisted of, and she said "cardboard". lol So I can't wait to cook her up some of these wonderful goodies!

I think SpiderHawk's dishes have more flavors than a lot of "traditional" cooking. I don't do it all the time but I like a lot of the "new to me " ideas she presents in Gluten Free and Glorious

  — Barrett Ravenwolf

Jo Howard Gray writes on Facebook:

My friend Vila SpiderHawk or Alice Exley as FB insists on calling her, is an amazing author and cook! I have written the Foreword for two of her lovely books but this book is one of her other passions. It available for purchase on your Ipad! FANTASTIC! Check it out!

Listed on Barnes:Anonymous Posted October 30, 2013
Cookbook and source for healthy and vegetarian eating! I simply love all of Vila Spiderhawk's recipes and I have every one of her books!

For healthy eating this is the book to use. Vila is an awesome writer. All of her books are a must read.

  — PatriciaSue

One of my daughters has severe gluten intolerance, and cooking for her own needs while still making great meals for her family has been a challenge. One of the beauties of this cookbook is that although gluten free... it is tasty, simple, and a diet that all would enjoy.

  — Julianna Joyce

A new cookbook written by a friend - gluten-free and (mostly) vegan, a plus for those who also have problems with lactose. Along with a lot of great recipes, Vila's also included a lot of nutritional tidbits and information. A real bargain at only .99! We're trying the Asparagus, Mushroom and Penne in Lemon Sauce for supper tonight:)

  — Donna Barney

You did a great job, Vila, this is even better than I had hoped. I just bought it and already have several recipes picked out to try:) I love all the nutritional tidbits and information you added, they really help when you're trying to balance such a crazy diet.

  — Donna Barney

I can finally have bread that tastes like BREAD and cookies! A great cook book, everything you would need to eat healthy. And she looks up the nutritious stats for you. And you will learn to eat food to heal yourself instead of drugs and vitamins the way it is suppose to be. And don't forget to check out her other books too. She has other cook books and some fiction out that are all a work of art! Yes, I AM a great fan of Vila's and know her work well. You will do yourself a big favor by looking up her other works and best of all, they are all .99 you read it right, .99 each! She practices what she preaches, helping the economy and helping all of us that need to get healthy. Enjoy!

  — Peg Hicks

Okay, I admit it, I am not a huge fan of cookbooks. But there's a "but" coming here. BUT I have a serious sensitivity to grains containing gluten, so believe me, I was so very glad when this book came out! First off, I have not had a good scone since before I developed this sensitivity. Can you imagine the nirvana I found in her Cherry Almond scones? Divine! And I got to try the Irish Soda Bread just after St. Patrick's Day, but that's okay. The list goes on, and continues to go on as I eat my gluten-free way through this cookbook.
Finally, delicious recipes that I can use!
Thank you, Vila SpiderHawk!

  — Helen Collins

I just previewed a wonderful new cookbook by Vila SpiderHawk--Gluten Free and Glorious. I was skeptical at first, as I am no vegan, but Vila has shared some wonderful recipes with me, and I went in with an open mind.

I was blown away! Not only are the recipes absolutely delicious (yes I tried several!). I was amazed at the information shared on lots of herbs and natural ingredients. This book is a fantastic reference item along with easy to use and understand recipes! I was going to try and give a favorite recipe but I just can't pick one! I suggest you give this a read and you will be as impressed as I am!

  — Debra Smith, Editor and Publisher of Open Circle e-zine