Short Stories



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Vila reads from Short Stories

Twelve stories that will bring you to tears, that will enrage you, that will make you laugh out loud. You'll want to hug those you hold dear more closely after having read this book.

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ASIN: B005I563JY
Twelve stories that will bring you to tears, that will enrage you, that will make you laugh out loud. You'll want to hug those you hold dear more closely after having read this book.
Excerpt from Short Stories

"Annie! Come on in!" Merry kissed me on both cheeks. Looking chic in pale green sequins, her hair swept up in tight curls, make up flawless, emeralds finishing the look, she zipped my dress. "Bill, take her coat." She gave it to him then, placing her hand against the middle of my back, nudged me into the formal living room. The place was done up all in angels. She always used a different theme. I liked this one. The angels made me think of Alex. "Now he sleeps with the angels," I had said when he had died.

"I hope they're lousy in bed," she had quipped. Then she'd hugged me and kissed me and told me she was sorry, and I knew she'd only tried to make me smile.

Crystal angels, faceted so they'd cast rainbows to the floor, hung on slender silver threads in the bay window. Angels made of dove-white feathers and in pale pink bridal tulle stood on the tables. Angels strummed harps on the mantel. Lights in pastel pink and yellow, green and blue and lavender lit the white cotton batting on which the harpists stood. "We're in the family room." She led me through the holly-covered doorway, angels winking down at us from crimson berries.

He was already there. I briefly glared at Meredith. He stood up and thrust his hand out to greet me. He was too short and too broad. He was too old and much too bald. His clothes were shabby and his glasses much too thick. He lunged at me, his broad smile showing that he still had natural teeth, a gap between the upper fronts, the lowers crooked. "I'm Hal." His voice was smoky, dark, and clothed in mystery. My fingers tingled when he took my hand to shake it. "It's good to meet you," he assured.

I nodded stupidly and blushed. I could not speak. I could not find a syllable.

"Come see the tree," Merry chimed and led me to the white-flocked pine. It too was done up top to bottom with small angels. They were faceted crystal like the ones in the window but in soft pastel colors echoing the lights' pale hues. The topper, the queen of the glittering crowd, was all sugar-white feathers with a fir wreath in her hands. Bill and Merry would give the ornaments to the church when she took them all down in January. I stumbled into inane praise about the beauty of the tree then claimed a chair across the room from my date.

To see and hear Vila reading this excerpt click here


5.0 out of 5 starsAnd as a bonus cover art is by the great Lauren Curtis
It's impossible for me to say about Vila Spiderhawks Forest Song series of books. Full of wonder and wisdom. She evokes real historical times in the midst of finding the timeless mythical that simultaneously exists. A remarkably profound writer. And as a bonus cover art is by the great Lauren Curtis: a amazing artist.
Thank you, Jon

  — Byjon DiBenedettoon

I love these stories. I need to read them again.

  — Deb Shaw

The characters in Short Stories are trusted friends you go back to over and over!

  — Amber Paschal

BlkBerry writes on facebook More good writing from my friend Alice Exley, a k a Vila SpiderHawk, (grr @ fb for making her change it). Do yourself a favor, and get this, and many more of her wonderful works. They are sure to inspire you, and nourish your soul.


Peggy Jay Hicks Writes on facebook: June 6 at 6:34pm
If you haven't read these stories yet, you really must do yourself a favor and get them. You will enjoy them over and over again.

I thought your Short Stories was so very interesting. So many lives, so many choices to make - it was fascinating to me. I found myself "there" with them. When I finished reading, I started wondering how I would have handled the things they faced. "The black of her pupils enveloped me, and the sound of her voice was the world. I floated through the tunnel on the breath of her tune and glided down the seeping stone stairs." What mesmerizing words as I read - wanting more. I finished the tale and had to find a way to loosen the gripping words.

This is a superb collection, Vila. I highly recommend it to everyone. Many of the stories brought back sweet memories. In Annalise at lunch, " She shook the catsup bottle upside down, screwed the lid off and opened up her sandwich. As if punishing a child, she spanked the bottom of the bottle, creating a red dollop on the bun." Instead of actual bottles, everything is squeezable. Wado Vila SpiderHawk for bringing back this and so much more.

  — Loreen Silvarahwk

I'm a big fan of Vila's and when I read this book I wasn't surprised that it was absolutely the best! Great stories with awesomeness all through it!!! I Love it!!!

  — Jenifer Hurley

Vila Spiderhawk's books are AMAZING, they take you away from the mundane and transport you to a different time, it does exactly what books are supposed to do , capture your soul! if you want to relax and enjoy some quiet time, there is no better way than "short stories".......keep up the great writing Vila!

  — moonwillow

I just read Short Stories by Vila Spiderhawk; I must say that I was entranced from the first kept me turning pages and absorbing every nuance of the writing...and her approach to writing is a if you are talking over a pot of tea and she is telling you these stories about people she knows...the book flows like a conversation...very fulfilling and sweet and paced to take us away from the busy world and help us to take a few steps back and re-center and find our spot of calm...its just right in content and length!

  — Kim Huse

Once again I have lost myself in your work! I cry, I rejoice, I AM that person you are talking about in your stories. Oh how I do love your stories! Thank you Dear One for the love you have put into every one of your people in these works of art! I am still wiping my eyes for Mimi. She was quite a treasure as are you

  — Peg Hicks

When I saw this book [Short Stories] was only 99 cents, I thought how good can it be? But I took a chance and bought it anyway. Boy, am I ever glad I did! This book is worth so much more! I love these stories! Vila, you put me right there in the action, whether it was in New Jersey or in Poland. I fell in love with the characters, too. I practically went into mourning when I reached the end of this book. I'm so glad you have other books I can get! If they're half as good as this one, I'll be thrilled!

  — Denise Cameron

I thought your Short Stories was so very interesting. So many lives, so many choices to make - it was fascinating to me. I found myself "there" with them. When I finished reading, I started wondering how I would have handled the things they faced. "The black of her pupils enveloped me, and the sound of her voice was the world. I floated through the tunnel on the breath of her tune and glided down the seeping stone stairs." What mesmerizing words as I read - wanting more. I finished the tale and had to find a way to loosen the gripping words.

This is a superb collection, Vila. I highly recommend it to everyone. Many of the stories brought back sweet memories. In Annalise at lunch, " She shook the catsup bottle upside down, screwed the lid off and opened up her sandwich. As if punishing a child, she spanked the bottom of the bottle, creating a red dollop on the bun." Instead of actual bottles, everything is squeezable. Wado Vila SpiderHawk for bringing back this and so much more.

  — Loreen Silvarahawk

Sharon Beller your stories warm the heart with lost memories brought back to light. Through them we can relive some of our most treasured moments......thank you

You captured the memories of my grand parents and great grand parents perfectly in your excerpt from Short Stories! I love that!

  — Bonnie Sanders

ravenwize1 has made a comment on Short Stories

Villa I just loved listening to your short story. I felt for the woman and all the memories she had for her family home. A lifetime of such wonderful memories that she had. It was like I was reliving them with her. It was sad that she had to let the house go. Yet she was defiant to the end uncovering that couch and letting it live, giving it one more memory. I love the way your stories make you feel like you are right there in the story, being a part of it. Wonderful read.


I love the stories in this book! Vila's work is always absorbing and compelling, and this book is no exception! I especially loved Grandma's House. Poignant and funny at the same time, it rang so true and just warmed my heart. Kudos to Vila for this wonderful work!

  — Michelle Dietrich

This is so wonderful. After reading all of the Forest Song books, now I can read a behind the scenes account of the characters. I will now go back and reread all of the Forest Song books with a new perspective. How brilliant Vila!!!

  — Robert Morini

Vila, you really have a way of reaching your audience that they can identify with the characters in your stories and it isn't hard to really feel the emotions of the characters. I just read them over again, and as I was reading, I was thinking of how true to life they were, because I remember feeling and still feel the feelings that they did for their loved ones and for their family home when it comes time to say good bye and pass it on to a new family who'll make their own memories in it, and it's so true how life is a circle and we must go on.

I'm here, crying both with sadness, but with joy because reading the stories made me remember how sad it was to lose my gram and grand pa and the family home, but also that we must feel good knowing we leave legacies behind and that life goes on, and we helped others by passing on the home and our memories.

Then, you also bring to life the history of how things were in the past and help those of us who are here, now, appreciate that if we hadn't had this past we wouldn't have what we have now. It helps the reader realize that maybe we should really treasure and learn about how people lived in the past and maybe try to capture it by maybe getting back to basics and learn that all this new technology is great, but the old ways will live on for ever and may someday come back.

  — Sharon Frantz

Vila has a way of bringing the reader into her stories, involving us to the point where we are hungry for more. Her short stories are long on characterization and creative details. It is Vila's attention to detail that really shows her talent. For example in the story 'Aunt Hattie' she writes about the loss of a loved one and the special times they shared at the ocean. Here is an excerpt..."as a child of the city I admired the silver-fringed beauty of the tide. I loved how it mirrored the moods of the sky, how it rushed to the shore bringing presents of shells." In this story she also talks of how her aunt had her 'listen' to the ocean, telling her the ocean is our mother and if we listen it will speak to us.

Vila's love of nature and her understanding of human nature shine in her many stories.

I highly recommend her books - they will not disappoint.

  — Reviewed by Ramona Louise Skidmore author of "Memoires Placed in the Heart"

Wow! I just finished reading Vila SpiderHawk’s Short Stories E-Book and it was fantastic! Whether you’re already a Vila SpiderHawk fan or have yet to have the “SpiderHawk experience”, you just have to download and read this E-Book immediately! Vila has outdone herself again. It has stories from her Forest Song series that acquaint you with the characters who live in those books and also other short stories that are separate from that. There is something for everyone. I loved them all. Two that I really like were "Annalise" about a woman who had lost her husband and was trying to learn how to move on. Another was "Mimi" about two new college roommates getting to know each other and becoming friends. There is some sadness in part of the story but you will have to find out yourself. Not going to give the plot away. There really is something there for everyone. Vila's descriptive writing is so vivid that you don't want to stop reading! You get totally caught up in every story. Who needs TV or movies when you can read this kind of thing? So get a copy of this e-book as soon as you can! After reading it, I am sure you will want to buy some of her other books listed. I will cherish this book forever.

  — Dee Melton