Forest Song: Little Mother

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Vila reads from Forest Song: Little Mother

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Join Judy in the second of the Forest Song series as she grows into her power, saves the lives of two old friends, and falls in love--all while surviving the dangers of war!

Excerpt from Forest Song: Little Mother

The silence bumped across the table and back again. Even Gerda waited wordlessly.

At last Bo?ena spoke, her voice no bigger than a whisper. "He refuses to go." She prayed into my eyes as if I could coerce him to seek safety. "He says our work is too important. He says it's time to leave his parents and to be with me when Ursula is born."

She rubbed her belly. "Oh yes we have named her already. "But I wish he'd go to Sweden with his parents."

"Well he won't." My words were ice chips. They clinked against the bowls and glinted in the graying morning light.

Gerda dropped her spoon. Klaus squinted and frowned. And Bo?ena twitched as if I had slapped her.

"He has his destiny to live," I breathed warmth into my tone. "And his future simply isn't in Sweden. He'll be here for the birth." I willed her not to ask more and gave a silent prayer of thanks when she didn't. "I'm glad his family is safe," I poured molasses on my words to make up for the cold I had inflicted.

"It's good you're here. We've seen some things. You should bring us your books. The Nazis will be coming soon to Poland. And Gerda's ready to leave. She'll need her papers and safe passage."

"Oh the passport's not a problem." She patted Gerda's hand. "But my books! Oh Judy, must I part with them?"

"It would be best," Klaus inserted. "If you want to keep them safe. The Nazis set fire to subversive books, and if the author isn't German, it's subversive."

"You'll get them back. I'll see to that."

She looked at Klaus and then at me as if we'd hatched a plot to break her heart.

"Bo?ena, you have a choice between two evils. You can store your books with us or you can lose them." I reached across the table to pat her hand but she laid it in her lap before I could. "Think about it, Bo?ena. But don't wait too long. The weather will turn bad and you'll be big.

Snowflakes skittered past the window as if to make my point. Though she nodded, I had failed to convince her. But I knew she'd talk to Gerhard. I let the subject drop and prayed Gerda would fill the meal with chatter. She didn't. The fat snowflakes turned to sleet and scraped against the windowpanes. I shivered at the prickly sound they made.

To see and hear Vila reading this excerpt click here


50 out of 5 starsA beautifully written and mesmerizing tale in a wonderful series of ...
A beautifully written and mesmerizing tale in a wonderful series of books by the great Villa Spiderhawk. Full of timeless wisdom and historical detailing. One of my favorite writers of all time!
Thank you, Jon

  — Byjon DiBenedettoon

I continue to be blown away by this author. I am disabled & read a lot. I reviewed book one, it was terrific. When I got into book two,the story of Judy crescendoed. Judy is becoming a women in this magickal forest. The things she learns reminds me of the works of Zsuxsanna Budapest. It is a Matriarchal Society, like the Pagans. In fact there are Wiccan Rituals. This author is extremely knowledgeable about herbal medicines & stones. It also tells what life was like for the German Jews at the time of Hitler. Judy attends a Jewish Seder. She matures into a woman. It seems appropriate for teens & adults but warning there is one sexual episode. OK, on to book three!

  — Deb Orndorffon

On facebook, Marsha Downs writes:

Just wanted to let you know that I am just about done with "Little Mother" and loved it, Vila. So much depth. Will have to get the third now... I have fallen in love with these characters, as they are so real to me. Sometimes I'd like to slap Judy upside the head, as she can still be a bit of a selfish brat, but her heart is golden. Love her. Love them all... The emotions of them are brought forth so well. Thank you for so many hours of total joy reading these so far.

Finished Little Mother and the last paragraph was superb!!! Loved the book. Now I want Letting Go. I am so looking forward to the last book of this series. I am loving it so much! Got to see what feisty Judy does.

Patti Wiser [facebook] If anyone has not read Forest Song: Little Mother you are missing something wonderful and magical. It is hard to stop reading. Wouldn't it make a great stocking stuffer?

It is a wonderful book. It was hard to stop reading Little Mother and I recommend it as a wonderful Mothers Day present..

  — Patti Wiser

It is so hard to put down this book. From the moment you open it with Little Judy in a world that she feels she does not belong in, to the world that she finds herself and her passion. Then to go back to the home she started at and knowing for sure it was not for her. She grows up to be a fine young woman as her crone teacher puts her under her wing and teaches her the ways of the wise. I surely would recommend this book to those of you that hear the call of the woods in their hearts.

  — pATTI

I am now reading the Forest Song series written by Vila Spiderhawk and available at
Vila's work is inspiring in the best way possible, especially for girls and women of all ages. The writing is simply marvelous and riveting. You will not be able to put any of these books down. These are a must read set of books.
These books are what I consider a masterpiece in the artistry of words.

  — Neroli

I am really loving book two of the Forest Song series... I could write an essay on the similarities to today's world.

  — Boni J Rychener

Vila Spiderhawk is one of the finest authors I have ever read. Her books embrace all the emotions from fear to love, anger and doubt. The reader experiences extreme pathos, dives into characters and lives their life and thoughts and emotions so thoroughly that one feels it difficult to return to the real world! Forest Song: Little Mother is the third in the "Judy" Trilogy and possibly, (but don't tell Vila!!), my favorite. The attention to detail, Vila's uncanny ability to describe light and beauty in the most mundane things is just a joy. This story of personal growth, of courage, of desire is stunning in its clarity. I found myself, on more than one occasion, crying with despair, with happiness and with outrage. Wonderfully written and a must have for any reader.

  — Jo Hayward Gray author of Cat Tails and Catastrophes

Little Mother is the second of the Forest Song series. A beautiful set of stories, rich with detail, and lovingly told. The Kindle downloads are only 99 cents each, and she has a few other books, too, one is Hidden Passages: Tales to Honor the Crones, and two are cookbooks, and I think at least one more. Vila has put her ads here in Sanctuary of The Craft, and she also has YouTube videos of herself, reading from her books. Please get to know her work, she is a lovely woman with beautiful stories to tell.

  — Deb Shaw

All of Vila's books are so amazing, they have the power to bring you to another time and place, making you a part of the story. you can hear the forest sounds and smell the scents surrounding you. and if you need a break from everyday mundane life her books work better than Calgon.........

  — moonwillow

Vila Spiderhawk has surpassed her skills of weaving her web of words. You feel like you are there when Gerda is rescued from Dachau. You feel her pain and unsureness to something as simple as a warm bath and a good meal. Judy is really coming into her own as a wise woman.

  — Loreen Silvarahwk

Lovely - this book caught my heart and soul. i was owned till i finished. another 5 star read

  — jules moon

If you haven't had the SpiderHawk experience, you MUST start!

In this second volume of the Forest Song series, Judy is now a part of the Forest she lives in. She has grown into her powers, is a great deal wiser and seen more than her share of the nastiness of the world outside the Woods. She has seen what can happen to those outside and is determined to do what she can to help others. Her friends help and together they make a difference!

A wonderful tale continues and as with the first book...I could not put it down. In some ways, I think this one was harder in fact! A delightful story of a girl coming into her own as a young woman. Of dedication and determination. A story of pain, grief and love! You will not be disappointed in the wonderful writing of Vila. It is as if she is sitting there with you telling the story.

You will cry and laugh out loud, while reading of the adventures and trials Judy goes through. She finds love and sees much of the outside world she wishes she hadn't, but in the end she learns a great deal and helps many people along the way, while in many ways...they also help her! You see her grow and learn so much more than she ever expected. And her mother is proud of the woman she has become!

  — Jeni_Watkins

· Anonymous

Posted April 29, 2011

If you haven't had the SpiderHawk experience, you MUST start!
In this second volume of the Forest Song series, Judy is now a part of the Forest she lives in. She has grown into her powers, is a great deal wiser and seen more than her share of the nastiness of the world outside the Woods. She has seen what can happen to those outside and is determined to do what she can to help others. Her friends help and together they make a difference!

A wonderful tale continues and as with the first book...I could not put it down. In some ways, I think this one was harder in fact! A delightful story of a girl coming into her own as a young woman. Of dedication and determination. A story of pain, grief and love! You will not be disappointed in the wonderful writing of Vila. It is as if she is sitting there with you telling the story.

You will cry and laugh out loud, while reading of the adventures and trials Judy goes through. She finds love and sees much of the outside world she wishes she hadn't, but in the end she learns a great deal and helps many people along the way, while in many ways...they also help her! You see her grow and learn so much more than she ever expected. And her mother is proud of the woman she has become!

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This review is from: Forest Song: Little Mother (Paperback)

Another successful read by Vila. She definitely put her heart into this one. I have all her books and they are all the kind that are hard to put down when you start reading them. Great Job Vila!

  — Faith Powell "game geek" (Baker City, OR)

By Peg Hicks - See all my reviews

Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: Forest Song: Little Mother (Kindle Edition)

Another fantastic book in a series By Vila SpiderHawk...she walks Little Judy through to her Maiden Voyage to Adulthood. You will see her triumph in most things that we would crumble and give up on. She gives you the feeling that there is nothing you can't do in this world or that can keep you down, not even Hitler! You will weep at the way Vila shows you the lives of the Jews who had to endure Hitler's War crimes and cruelty. The way he was able to turn sibling against sibling and tear Mothers from their will break your heart. Then you will cheer when a family perseveres to be one again! It brings the humane back to being human. A great fan Peg Hicks

5.0 out of 5 stars Couldn't put it down!!, April 28, 2011

By Jeni Watkins "concerned mom" (Indiana) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME)

Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: Forest Song: Little Mother (Kindle Edition)

The story continues and Judy is now a part of the Forest she lives in. She has grown into her powers, is a great deal wiser and seen more than her share of the nastiness of the world outside the Woods. She has seen what can happen to those outside and is determined to do what she can to help others. Her friends help and together they make a difference!

A wonderful tale continues and as with the first book...I could not put it down. In some ways, I think this one was harder in fact! A delightful story of a girl coming into her own as a young woman. Of dedication and determination. A story of pain, grief and love! You will not be disappointed in the wonderful writing of Vila. It is as if she is sitting there with you telling the story.

You will cry and laugh out loud, while reading of the adventures and trials Judy goes through. She finds love and sees much of the outside world she wishes she hadn't, but in the end she learns a great deal and helps many people along the way, while in many ways...they also help her! You see her grow and learn so much more than she ever expected. And her mother is proud of the woman she has become!

5.0 out of 5 stars Little Mother, February 24, 2011

By MysticDragonfly - See all my reviews

Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: Forest Song: Little Mother (Kindle Edition)

This was the second book in the series. A wonderful story of a maiden coming to motherhood and a mother coming to cronedom. Full of love and despair, joy and sorrow, and the powers of friendship and family. Magick abounds as Judy learns the trials of life. I would highly recommend this book to anyone of all ages.

In this second volume of the Forest Song series, Judy is now a part of the Forest she lives in. She has grown into her powers, is a great deal wiser and seen more than her share of the nastiness of the world outside the Woods. She has seen what can happen to those outside and is determined to do what she can to help others. Her friends help and together they make a difference!

A wonderful tale continues and as with the first book...I could not put it down. In some ways, I think this one was harder in fact! A delightful story of a girl coming into her own as a young woman. Of dedication and determination. A story of pain, grief and love! You will not be disappointed in the wonderful writing of Vila. It is as if she is sitting there with you telling the story.

You will cry and laugh out loud, while reading of the adventures and trials Judy goes through. She finds love and sees much of the outside world she wishes she hadn't, but in the end she learns a great deal and helps many people along the way, while in many ways...they also help her! You see her grow and learn so much more than she ever expected. And her mother is proud of the woman she has become!

  — Jeni Merritt Watkins

I am so enthralled with this series of books I just can't get enough! Vila Spiderhawk has an amazing talent. Her writing style is beautiful, easy to read, and is simply captivating.

"Forest Song: Little Mother” takes place in Eastern Europe during the rise of the Third Reich when times are hard for most, and the lives of millions of people are in grave danger. The book follows Judy Bauman's story as she and her mentors in the forest, help the people working in the resistance to try and save as many of those lives as possible. Follow Judy through anger, joy, loss and triumph as she comes into her own power during this dangerous time.

I can't praise these books highly enough. I wish everyone in the world would read them because I think it would make an amazing difference in the way we see the earth, the animals, and ourselves.

I am now reading the next book in the series, "Forest Song: Letting Go" and will write a review of it when I am finished.

You can find more information on Vila Spiderhawk's books on her page here, and on her website:

  — Jane Firebaugh

Powerful, arresting, gripping - this is literature! Thank you, Vila, for your intense reading of the story! Watch out for the awards! Love, Victoria A. Howard

Oh Vila! Your writing always gives me goose bumps. I know I will read your books for a lifetime and never tire of them. I am currently reading Forest Song: Little Mother and cannot wait to get the next book of this series. Thank you for these beautiful books! Jon DiBenedetto

I wanted to tell you I finished Forest Song: Finding Home and Forest Song: Little Mother. Loved them! You know, I want to find out more about what happens to Judy. Like does she see Klaus again? What happens to all the characters? Does the next book continue the story? If not, you should. I would love to have that story go on and on. Maybe you can just write more for me...LOL....just kidding obviously. But has anybody else asked you that and/or have you thought of that?

  — Love these books! Scarlett

In Forest Song: Little Mother by Vila Spiderhawk we have a little bit of everything for everyone. It combines history, adventure and fantasy all in one great book. It has so much detail that you feel you are a part of the book when they are doing a ritual or are one of the Crones riding on the wind. You could even smell the pine used to use for the floors of Judy’s magical house. It made you feel proud to be Polish and that you were helping the Jews survive the Holocaust.

This books was a wow from beginning to end and everything in between If I could I would score higher then 5 bookmarks

Laura Matthews, Reviewer
Mind Fog Reviews

I finally finished "Forest Song: Little Mother". What a powerful ending. I can see why it was nominated for the Pushcart Prize! I can't wait for your next book! Will you keep Judy as your protagonist?

  — Moonblossom

Dear Ms. SpiderHawk,

I am reading Forest Song: Little Mother just now and I have to tell you how much I love it. I am Jewish, you see, and I just read your Passover scene. It brought tears to my eyes because, though I am Jewish, since I moved from my family’s home in Alabama, I have not really practiced my religion. Your Passover scene gave me the kind of communal sense that I used to have at the Seder. I doubt that I shall go to Temple because of this book. There are many reasons why I have chosen not to pursue my family’s religious path, but I wanted you to know how very lovely this book is and how much it meant to me to experience another Seder. Thank you for writing this book.

  — Charlene Moeller

WOW! I thought Vila SpiderHawk's Hidden Passages: Tales to Honor the Crones was the best book I'd ever read. And then I read her Forest Song: Finding Home and decided IT was the best. But now that I've read Forest Song: Little Mother, I just don't know. I'd have a terrible time choosing which one I love best. I've given SpiderHawk's Hidden Passages and Forest Song: Finding Home as birthday, Mother's Day, and Christmas gifts, and now I'll have an easy time figuring out what to give everyone - Forest Song: Little Mother!(If they haven't already bought it for themselves.) Boy, if you haven't read SpiderHawk's work yet please do! But be careful. Her books are addictive! Now I can't wait for the next of the Forest Song series! What a wonderful writer!

  — Susan Blakehard

I could write pages about SpiderHawk's writing skill, how every single page, every single line brings you completely into this story. Vilas' writing is absolute perfection! Now, understand, I have a slight reading dysfunction. Most times when I read I must go back and reread to understand. Not with Vilas' writing. Everything, all details going on within the story are delicately laid out in such a fashion that you do not even realize that she is involving you as part of her story. You are right there.

Escape with Judy! Leave the mundane, shackled life of the world, and join her in the forest where she becomes one of the many wonderful folks who live there. Share the joys, and the pains, and the triumphs of a wonderful girl as she grows to be a mother of the forest. Share with her as the pains of the real world, the war and all its nastiness enter the lives of the peaceful forest family. Every page of these two wonderful books [Forest Song: Finding Home and Forest Song: Little Mother] is filled with magic, and if you care to search, every page has a lesson to be learned.

Does the forest sing its song to you and call you home? Listen very carefully, and read these books....if it calls to you, you will hear it.

  — Rob Morini

Well Vila, all I can say is you did it again. What a marvelous book. I received Forest Song: Little Mother in the mail and couldn't wait to begin reading it. I picked it up and was held captive in the book from start to finish. As I read Judy's story, I felt like I was living it with her. You captivate me with your writing. Thank you so very much for another wonderful book. I will cherish it always.

Thank you again.
Brightest Blessings.

  — Tina

I just read Tina's comment about Forest Song: Little Mother and I agree. I am halfway through and still can't stop reading.

  — Cat

When I read Vila SpiderHawk's Hidden Passages: Tales to Honor the Crones, I knew that I absolutely had to read her Forest Song: Finding Home. And after I read that, I could hardly wait to read Forest Song: Little Mother! And now that I've read Little Mother, I can't wait for the next book. Vila SpiderHawk's writing is so absorbing and so compelling!

As her other books have done, Forest Song: Little Mother surprised me at every turn! I could not put it down! I absolutely love Judy, the main character of the Forest Song series. She has become like a friend to me. I don't know what I'm going to do when her story's told.

Be prepared once you start reading SpiderHawk's work. You won't be able to put her books down. But you'll also want to read slowly to savor every word. They're also addictive! It is impossible to read one without wanting to read them all! I cannot recommend these books highly enough!

  — Eileen Doughten

I have read the first two of Vila's books and she is a captivating writer to say the least. Forest Song is one of my favorites! I loved reading about Judy as she traveled her spiritual path. I love SpiderHawk's writing.

  — Magical Enchantments

First and foremost, thank you for such an amazing journey, one in which I've made a new and valuable friend, though aren't all those who come into our lives of tremendous value!

I have laughed, cried, known anger at such horror in our ability in being human to do terrible things to each other, then rejoiced at the strength, love and compassion that we extend in the helping and saving.

You reminded me in Forest Song: Little Mother of the love and pain in being a mother, of the letting go and then in the re-finding of an adult child, where I still see glimmers of the youngster peeking through.

I know that of all the others this is my favorite, for I've been touched deeply and am standing in a new understanding of my place within the scope of All.

Thank you for helping meto continue this journey.

  — Sincerely, Sand y Josey

I didn't know Vila SpiderHawk could supersede her own excellence in writing, but she's done it! I loved Forest Song: Finding Home. I'm ecstatic over Forest Song: Little Mother! In Little Mother, Judy, who became a woman in Finding Home, gets her own house in the forest and is surrounded by wonderful, magical friends. The ominous clouds of war that rolled through in Finding Home have opened and pour in Little Mother. Judy and her friends work themselves night and day to help refugees from the terrible times of World War II. Reading Forest Song: Little Mother, you will seethe, weep, laugh, and ultimately be so glad you went there. I urge you to pick up this wonderful book and read it from cover to cover today!

  — Nell Bloom

This is a continuation of the story begun in Forest Song: Finding Home, and you really need to read that book to be up to speed at the start of this book (which is also available as an ebook at and as a kindle edition book available on Amazon

This story teeters on the edge of reality. The background is Europe immediately preceding and during the rise of Nazi Germany. Much of the action revolves around saving members of the Jewish community from their impending destruction.

This is not, however, by any stretch of the imagination, an action-filled novel. Ms. Spiderhawk uses her considerable talents to create a world which allows the reader to absorb the wisdom she imparts in the same way the heroine does – by experiencing it in life, not by being “taught” it.

We get to see Judy begin the process of maturing from a dependent young child living with her teacher to creating her own home and finding a lover. She confronts her own shortcomings and learns to stand up for herself. I suspect that we will see at least one more book in the series, as Judy confronts the impending changes in her life – her assumption of the role of forest mother, her teacher’s assumption of “grandmother” of the forest, and the arrival of the Nazis in Poland.

I look forward to the continuation of Judy’s story, and eagerly await the next installment.

  — Michael Gleason

Forest Song: Little Mother is magnificent. It is such a moving story. It took me on an emotional roller coaster. I could not stop reading it! I would say "Just one more chapter" and then when that chapter ended I said the same thing. The night I finished it, it was after 3 a.m. I laughed and cried as I watched Judy grow into a woman. The characters are so well developed that I feel as if I know Judy and her forest family. This is a book that all women should read, since it explores all aspects of being a woman and the magic that is within all of us. I think it is important to make sure that women know about great women writers and I count Vila SpiderHawk at the top of my list.

  — Dawn Thomas, editor of Oracle ezine

Once again SpiderHawk has come through with a gripping, engaging story interwoven with the wisdom of the ages. Forest Song: Little Mother is powerful! I could not put it down! This is a must read book!

  — Helen Collins, editor and publisher of Folk Music Ministry magazine

To say that SpiderHawk has a gift for prose is a great understatement. This, the second book in the Forest Song series, is an always engaging and alternately heartwarming and heartwrenching tale. I couldn't put this riveting story down till I was completely finished, and I eagerly await the next installment.

  — G.L. Giles, author of Days and Nights in Summerville and Mind Your Ps and Qs (Poetry & Quotes)


With her usual superb attention to detail, Vila Spiderhawk brings us another stunning novel. One of learning, of joy, of pain, of loss, of rebirth and life altering decisions.

Being the proud owner of Vila's two previous novels, Hidden Passages and Finding Home, I see that she has grown and spread her wings with each one. This book reaches the pinnacle of beauty from the other two and I found myself entranced, unable to stop reading. Vila's own life is reflected in this book. Her travels and her cooking are reflected here, for those who are aware of her other passions.

I have read this wonderful tale of spiritual growth and it was such a delightful experience! Vila Spiderhawk can bring conversations to life like no other author I've encountered, and her wonderful passages and the discussions that her characters have are easy to read and understand. The reader becomes as one with them, which is as it should be.

Each of her characters is beautifully crafted. They come alive for the reader and one can empathize with each of them in a manner in which Spiderhawk has no equal.

A truly beautiful book and one which Vila's fans will be clamoring to own. Those of you, who have not had "The Spiderhawk Experience", should do so now! You will be thrilled with your book.

  — Jo Gray. Author of Tails from the Cat Basket.