Forest Song: Letting Go



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Vila reads from Forest Song: Letting Go

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In this third book of the Forest Song series Judy Baumann and her friends survive death-defying exploits along the German-Polish Corridor during World War II, overcoming betrayal and loss with courage, cleverness and even humor—all the way to the blockbusting ending!

Excerpt from Forest Song: Letting Go

But when the next morning came and then the afternoon and then the evening with no sign of him, when I would run out of stories to tell Heidi and Gerda, when I thought I'd go mad with the quiet of the winter and the echo of my empty house, I'd play Moonlight Sonata or Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. From time to time I'd even dance to the music. And that's what I was doing when, one snowy afternoon toward the end of February, Klaus erupted through the door.

"Damn it's cold!" He brushed the snow from his shoulders and cap while I stupidly stood in mid-step. He plucked his kitted cap off and, grinning, threw out his arms.

I couldn't move! I could not make my body move! Mouth agape, my arms outstretched, my legs awkwardly bent in something not quite akin to a plié, I simply stared at his disheveled ginger colored curls and the astonishing blue of his eyes.

"What! You have no hug for a wandering Jew?"

Laughing through my tears, I ran to his dripping arms and locked him in a frantic embrace.

His coat soaking my shirt, I shivered in his hug while the love coal between my legs caught fire. "Take your coat off," I croaked, wrestling with my soggy shirt.

He tore the sopping jacket off and threw it to the floor then fumbled with the buttons of his fly. Yanking down his pants, he got them caught on his boots. He spat a swear word and, snatching off his still laced up boots, heaved the trousers so they slid across the floor. Fingers trembling, I disputed with my own buttoned fly. I wrenched my slacks to the floor then, kicking off my shoes, leapt free of my clothes to clasp my arms around his neck. Legs cinched around his waist, I clung to him with all my power in an avaricious open mouthed kiss. Eyes closed in our embrace, bumping into a chair, he doddered to the warmth before the hearth.

We didn't make love. We devoured each other . . .

To see and hear Vila reading this excerpt click here


Karen Kasinskas writes on You Tube:
Such a truly magical author! Vila SpiderHawk your words hold much meaning and I feel the intensity of each paragraph...i adore listening to you read as i am transformed into this beautifully written book! Thank you, Karen!

Charlene Owens writes on Facebook:
Forest Song: Letting Go is a wonderful book! Love it!!

Vila SpiderHawk has surpassed herself again! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, she ramped it up another notch. Forest Song: Letting Go is written, as are all the Forest Song books, during the time of WWII, a desperate and horrid time in our world's story. And Letting Go has the pain, the suffering, the despair of that very real time some seven decades ago. But it also has the hope and beauty of the human spirit. I won't give anything away, here. But let me tell you, SpiderHawk fans, run, don't walk, to your nearest copy and grab it NOW

  — Karl Albert

I have read this series of books twice now, they are compelling and completely fascinating. A must read for girls and women of all ages. You will pick up all new nuances with each reading of the series. You will not be able to put these books down until you have read every word, and you will be compelled to read them over and over. They are so excellently written.

  — Neroli

Vila's books are amazing and the sort of book you hang onto so you can go back and reread and reread. I love all of them and they are "feel good" books for me.Forest Song: Finding HomeForest Song: Letting Go

  — Kathleen Lane

I did some yard work in order to break the spell of this book. It left me breathless and the woven web was difficult to break. Awesome work Vila SpiderHawk - wado for a superb book!!!

  — Loreen Silvarahawk

I loved this book. Everything that Ms. Spiderhawk writes is the best in literary writing. I highly recommend any book that Vialspiderhawk writes.

  — Heaven Leigh Jones

I cried - 5 stars. such a lovely, wonderful, heart warming read.

  — jules moon

3rd book, just as great

A wonderful third book in the story of Judy. A young girl who escaped life behind a huge, ugly fence her parents put up to keep her in. They were determined to tame the "wild child" and keep her safe from the terrible woods, which she now calls home. Judy made her great escape and has grown into a great woman, and Witch, who watches over all the creatures and living things in the wilderness near her parents homestead. She has helped Jews escape the wrath of the Nazi's and works along side her friends to do as much as they can to help anyone needing to escape the horrible persecution of Hitler and his army.

Judy has had to come to terms with her own brother being in that army, yet she hangs on to hope he is not as evil as they are all made out to be. She clings to the boy she knew as a child, who cared for her and sneaked her food late at night when her father sent her to bed with no supper for being too strong willed. Her mother is helping the underground and is very proud of the "Wise Woman" Judy has become and of her compassion for those around her.

A heart warming story that will keep you turning pages well into the late night hours! And a bit of a surprise ending, that is both sad and heartwarming at the same time. This one is told a bit differently from the first two books and it still draws you in while adding a few new characters to the mix! You will fall in love all over again with Judy and her charm

  — Jeni Merritt Watkins

Posted April 29, 2011

3rd book, just as great
A wonderful third book in the story of Judy. A young girl who escaped life behind a huge, ugly fence her parents put up to keep her in. They were determined to tame the "wild child" and keep her safe from the terrible woods, which she now calls home. Judy made her great escape and has grown into a great woman, and Witch, who watches over all the creatures and living things in the wilderness near her parents homestead. She has helped Jews escape the wrath of the Nazi's and works along side her friends to do as much as they can to help anyone needing to escape the horrible persecution of Hitler and his army.

Judy has had to come to terms with her own brother being in that army, yet she hangs on to hope he is not as evil as they are all made out to be. She clings to the boy she knew as a child, who cared for her and sneaked her food late at night when her father sent her to bed with no supper for being too strong willed. Her mother is helping the underground and is very proud of the "Wise Woman" Judy has become and of her compassion for those around her.

A heart warming story that will keep you turning pages well into the late night hours! And a bit of a surprise ending, that is both sad and heartwarming at the same time. This one is told a bit differently from the first two books and it still draws you in while adding a few new characters to the mix! You will fall in love all over again with Judy and her charm

Jeni Merritt Watkins

This review is from: Forest Song: Letting Go (Paperback)

I have read all Vila Spiderhawk books and this current one took my breath away. Following the story of Judy has been a very wonderful treat to read. As she is a strong woman it gives a wonderful and powerful insight as to show how a woman can survive and have great strength.

She gives hope to other women who read this book and shows adversity to all.

I recommend purchasing all Vila Spiderhawk book as you will not be disappointed.

Vila has a wonderful way of showing that we as women have much strength and yet can be compassionate towards others.

I highly recommend this book and her others to read.

  — By Pamela Strizek (Florida) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME)

I am so excited about this new book, can't wait to buy it and wrap myself in it's warmth and love! They way you write makes me feel their pain and rejoice with them in the happy times. Thank You for sharing.

  — Peg Hicks

This is simply wonderful! The Forest Song series should be read by all. Personally I have a callin to the forest and mountains....but even if you are city bound these books will awaken your call! Recommended Highly!

  — Robert Morini

A wonderful third book in the story of Judy. A young girl who escaped life behind a huge, ugly fence her parents put up to keep her in. They were determined to tame the "wild child" and keep her safe from the terrible woods, which she now calls home. Judy made her great escape and has grown into a great woman, and Witch, who watches over all the creatures and living things in the wilderness near her parents homestead. She has helped Jews escape the wrath of the Nazi's and works along side her friends to do as much as they can to help anyone needing to escape the horrible persecution of Hitler and his army.

Judy has had to come to terms with her own brother being in that army, yet she hangs on to hope he is not as evil as they are all made out to be. She clings to the boy she knew as a child, who cared for her and sneaked her food late at night when her father sent her to bed with no supper for being too strong willed. Her mother is helping the underground and is very proud of the "Wise Woman" Judy has become and of her compassion for those around her.

A heart warming story that will keep you turning pages well into the late night hours! And a bit of a surprise ending, that is both sad and heartwarming at the same time. This one is told a bit differently from the first two books and it still draws you in while adding a few new characters to the mix! You will fall in love all over again with Judy and her charm

  — Jeni Merritt Watkins

I have read all of Vila SpiderHawk’s books and this current one [Forest Song: Letting Go] took my breath away. Following the story of Judy has been a wonderful treat. As she is a strong woman, Judy gives a wonderful and powerful insight as to how a woman can survive and have great strength.

She gives hope to all women who read this book.

I recommend purchasing all of Vila Spiderhawk books, as you will not be disappointed.

Vila has a wonderful way of showing that we as women have much strength and yet can be compassionate towards others.

I highly recommend this book and her others.

  — Pam Strizek

Vila, I finished reading Letting Go this night. I am stunned! The Judy Baumann story is the greatest I have ever read in my entire lifetime. Thank you! Thank you for sharing this with me and with all who have read this story.

And to my friends here [face book]: As it happens sometimes in life, a story just has to be told. And sometimes it comes to us in strange ways. This happened to me. I had spent some time in the mountains of northern Vermont, and I had to return to the world. I met my friend Vila SpiderHawk on the internet, and ordered her book Hidden Passages: Tales to Honor the Crones. A fantastic book and truly a must read..

But then I ordered her second book Forest Song: Finding Home. Having heard the song of the forest, and heard it call my name many times, this book called to me. Honestly, it actually called to me and begged, 'Just read one page'. I did. And I could not put this book down.

Next came Forest Song: Little Mother, which brought me further into the life and story of Judy Baumann. Fantastic!!!

This night I have just finished reading Forest Song: Letting Go. I am totally speechless. (some book review huh? I am speechless.) Aside from the fact that the writing is superb, you will feel every emotion as you become part of this story. If you have ever felt that perhaps the forest calls to you, I ask you please to read these three books. I promise you will not be disappointed. I highly recommend that you go to my friends list and find Vila SpiderHawk,. Order the Forest Song series. Truly a great story, a great gift for anyone who cares about the woods and a story everyone should read. Vila SpiderHawk, thank you for sharing this wonderful story with me.

  — Rob Morini

Robert Victor Morini January 30 at 4:56am Report

Vila, I read more this night, and I am almost done....I have read other comments on this book [Forest Song: Letting Go] that stated 'it is your best work ever'. I had a difficult time believing that because I so loved your other three books. But as I near the end of [Forest Song]: Letting Go, I cannot help but feel how much you have put into this book. The writing is fantastic; this story is fantastic; the whole series is beyond fantastic. I bow to you m’lady and thank you with eternal thanks for sharing this story with us!!!
Story tellers are the most important people that walk the earth, and you are one of the greatest. Thank you, Vila

Well try as I might to drag out reading Forest Song: Letting Go, it just compelled me to pick it up every chance I got. It's rare that you become a part of what you are reading, but "Letting Go" reached out and pulled me right into the forest. I flew on the wings of Boleslawa, shared meals with Matka Lasu, loved as if my heart would break, felt the fear of not escaping the horrors of the grotto, and reveled in the peace and comfort of Pan Dab and the warmth of all the creatures surrounding Judy. It saddens me that yet today we still have that kind of evil and bigotry but gladdens my heart that we can still find joy even in times of despair. We all have something we should "let go" of and this book is a how too guide for us. It takes us to heights and plunges us to sadness, but in the end love is the survivor. Thank you for this wonderful book, you have your work cut out for you to write a better one.

  — Sharon Beller

I just read the Kindle version of Vila SpiderHawk’s Forest Song: Letting Go and all I can say is wow! I honestly didn’t think her books could get any better! But this one tops even her other ones! Her use of language always stuns me. And her story telling is astounding! I could not stop reading! It’s a rule in our home that there’s no reading at the table, but I broke that rule. I also broke the rule of getting to bed at a decent hour. I could not stop reading! If you read nothing else by this author, get this book! You will be so glad you did! I am definitely going to get the paperback as soon as I can.

  — Maryanne Cunningham

If you're meeting Judy for the first time, you will find a young woman whose compassion and courage awaken and strengthen the same in you. She's strong; she's funny; she's vulnerable; and she helps some of the most brutalized people in Western history escape the clutches of evil and get a new chance at life. Those who know Judy will be more than thrilled with this new phase of her life.

Every time I read a new SpiderHawk book, I say it's the best ever. Letting Go is no exception. SpiderHawk's writing, her story telling, just gets better and better. This one's a page turner that you will not put down.

Forest Song: Letting Go is a wonderfully written historical, magical fiction that will keep you on the edge of your chair until the last page, and leave you wanting more. I can't say how late I stayed up reading, but I woke up as the sky lightened, still in my rocking chair with my glasses on my nose, the story askew on my lap, and cold coffee next to me.

Get it for yourself and for everyone who matters to you. One more Keeper from SpiderHawk!

  ~ Helen Collins, creator, editor, and publisher of Folk Music Ministry Magazine

Amazing but true. Spiderhawk has again written an outstanding novel that touches the very core of loss, yearning, learning and beginnings.

It has been, and is my privilege to own all of Vila Spiderhawk’s wonderful books and this one, as I myself am getting on in years, touched a deep vein of recognition in me. It deals with loss, of new beginnings, of blossoming awareness of ability and truths.

As with all her work, Vila Spiderhawk’s ability to bring the reader deep within, with her colorful descriptions is an utter joy. This is a truly inspiring novel and I highly recommend it to anyone. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again...Vila just gets better! Of all her novels, this one touched me to my very soul. There were times I smiled, times I associated closely with the characters and times I cried in sympathy, because always, there is somewhere a place that we, too have visited. In this, her most recent book, I was drawn into her web and held utterly spellbound from start to finish.

~Jo Hayward Gray, author of Cat Tails & Catastrophes: