Discovering Hope



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ASIN: B009L90F3S
Trina had everything: an adoring husband, a wonderful daughter, a thriving business, an affluent lifestyle. And then she lost it all. Find our what she learned on the journey to discovering hope.
Excerpt from Discovering Hope

"Well, aren't you cute all dressed in green!" my daughter grinned at a child who shyly peeked out from behind her mother's skirt. "I bet your name is Kathy Lynne." She crouched down. "Or Betty Lou. I bet you have a pretty smile when that old thumb's not in your mouth."

"My name's Elizabeth," the little girl corrected with a giggle. "I'm four." She held up three of her fingers.

"She just had a birthday." The mother looked tired. Nonetheless, she stroked the child's sable curls. "I was pregnant with her when the Twin Towers came down. I didn't know it, though, and so I took some chances. "If I had known. If I had known." She didn't finish the thought. "You need one more finger, Lizzie."

The child added one.

"You're so smart, Elizabeth!" Debra praised.

The elevator dinged again, and our companions got off.

"I'd like to have a child some day." She stood back up to her full height. "Jim and I talked about it. We agreed that we'd have two. Now I don't know. It doesn't feel as if I'll ever have a man, let alone a little girl to dress in green."

My mother's heart ached for her. I thought back to my pregnancy--the morning sickness and excitement, the swollen ankles and the awe, the heavy breasts and rounded belly and the bliss. I looked back on the dreams of a beautiful child cooing and gurgling in my arms. And I shuddered again at the nightmares of producing a dead baby or, worse, a malformed one. How many times had Jack held me and sung our special song until I'd fallen back to sleep feeling safe? How many times had he made up conversations with her, speaking softly to my belly and whispering to me all the wonderful things our daughter said?

I'd always taken for granted that Deb would have kids of her own and that her father and I would spoil them. "I'm sure you will." I took her hand. "All in good time." And yet I knew deep in my bones that she would never birth a child.

To see and hear Vila reading this excerpt click here


Of Discovering Hope, Ava Gayl MacKinnon writes on facebook:
This was a fantastic book. It dealt with such a range of emotions, life situations, and the lesson that if you never give up, your dreams can come true. Never lose HOPE.

A very encouraging storyline Vila!

  — C Lynecia Berry Wright-Harris

Vila Spiderhawk has knocked me to my knees, shredded my insides, then lovingly put me back together again. What do you do when you have lost everything you care about? Sometimes you keep trying, and just keep getting flattened all over again. Life can deal such harsh and ceaseless blows that you are ready to give up. But if, like Trina, you are lucky enough to have even one friend who will be there for you in the darkest times, you might be able to find your inner strength and rediscover hope. This story is about doing just that. Beautifully written!

  — By Jane Firebaugh

Of Discovering Hope, Susan Benning writes on facebook:

I didn't sleep at all last night, and it's all your fault, Vila! I was reading Discovering Hope and just could not stop until I had read just one more chapter. And then another. And then another. I finished the book last night! Outstanding! I want a sequel!

Thank you, Susan!

Julie writes on facebook: Julie Dorsey Rausch Exciting book.. Love the story with Debra and Jack.. The crash brought back the whole life.. Won't say much more because I want others to read.. If they haven't read your books, they are being left behind.. I will leave my comments for you at Kindle store where I buy your books.

Lisa Berry writes on facebook:
Just finished reading Discovering Hope! Loved it!!!!!!! Could hardly put it down!


This is an awesome story and I have reread it several times. It is a keeper and I have it safely tucked away.

  — Loreen Silvarahawk

Helen M. Collins commented on facebook: Discovering Hope will catch you and hold you till you're done, and left wanting more. It is a story of contemporary events that still hold us in their thrall.

Deb Shaw writes on Facebook:

Please believe me when I tell you that Discovering Hope is one of the best novels I have ever read.

On Facebook Tammy Ebner writes:

Just finished Discovering Hope!!! It was inspiring Thank you for a wonderful story

Listed on Barnes: " Anonymous Posted December 25, 2012
Beautiful story of hope and moving forward...
Vila Spiderhawk has once again completely captivated me with her story telling in this wonderful story of a mother and wife who learns her own strength and worth when her life is turned completely around several times in Discovering Hope.

Arianrhod Wolfchild says, "I love Discovering Hope!!!"

Katy Shelton agrees: "So do I. It is a wonderful book."

Helen wrote: "OMG if you get a half a minute or less and have the 99 cents you've gotta pick up Discovering Hope. It held me, gripped me, all the way through. This is a contemporary story that will just grab you and not let you go. Be prepared to be moved to the depths of your soul!""

Oh my stars and bars!!! I have read the first 3 chapters of Discovering Hope and Vila SpiderHawk has definitely surpassed all expectations. I have read and reread her books and this book is another sure-fire keeper! Tomorrow I will read another 3 chapters. The first 3 chapters took my breath away. I was suddenly set back in time to 9/11. I remember it far too well. Vila you have surely outdone yourself this time - this story is stupendous!!!

  — Loreen Silvarahawk

Oh my stars and bars!!! I just finished Vila Spiderhawk's book entitled Discovering Hope. I fairly "gobbled up" the last few chapters because I wanted to know what was happening next. Vila has written a book that many will empathasize with. It is a story about a woman whose Husband dies in the towers on 9/11. Her Daughter helps at the site and comes down with COPD. In the ensuing days, she too crosses over. All of this is enough to make anyone want to quit living. However, Katrina is helped by Sue to go on with life. All things considered - this is an AWESOME story that should be read by all especially by those who have lost hope.

  — Loreen Silvarahawk

While reading this wonderful book, I felt every single emotion possible. It taught me to always trust, in myself and in others. Vila,this is exceptional as I knew it would be. .As Peggy stated in her review, I too would love a sequel! In the meantime, I will read and thoroughly enjoy your other books! Thank you my friend. Everything you say and do is right from the heart. You have touched mine numerous times...

  — Ronnie Kilroy

Vilas books always keep my interest..Sometimes I read them over and over..I will be buying whatever she publishes. She is great and so are her books

  — Kristina Armstrong

This book is all about hope. I feel very inspired to start working on my dreams. This book shows that now matter what with strength and hope anything can be achieved.

  — MysticDragonfl

"Good Morning Vila. I hope you don't mind but I added your new book Discovering Hope to I track my reading progress there and talk about how good the book is. I am reading it now and I'm enjoying it immensely. It's such a wonderful story. Of course I've always enjoyed your writing.

  — Marie Mitchell

"This book made me cry, but it is wonderful, a good read, and has such a beautiful ending."

  — Deb Shaw

This was a very thoughtful and loving book, You will love it!

  — Peggy Jay Hicks

Discovering Hope is one of the best reads you will find! :) By Vila SpiderHawk:)

  — Judith Reed

Discovering Hope is a book I could not put down. A MUST read for lovers of contemporary fiction with a real life twist. Be prepared to be changed.

  — Helen M. Collins

When I first started reading "Discovering Hope", I threw my Kindle on the table, and furiously wrote to Vila, telling her just how much I hated her for writing this book, because it made me cry. Vila writes such beautiful imagery, and takes the reader on a journey from abject poverty, through the stages of grief, to a lovely and peaceful conclusion. This novel perfectly illustrates how each experience we have builds on the last to create a more mature mind and body. Thank you, Vila, for writing this. I'm looking forward to the next one

  — Deb Shaw

Discovering Hope is an extraordinary book! I didn't think Vila SpiderHawk could do any better than her "Forest Song Series" which I couldn't put down. But boy was I ever wrong. Discovering Hope had me glued to the pages from page one to the very end! I loved this book! I cried for Trina when she couldn't over her husbands passing. I thought my heart would break over all her devastating losses over the next ten years and the fact that nothing seemed to help. I cheered when things started to turn around for her. There is always a way, especially with help from your friends. Sue was a great friend and Trina started making more. The insights she learned from herself and the people she met made a big difference in her life. I even learned things about myself from reading this book. This is a must read book. I recommend it to anyone going through a difficult time or just anyone wanting to read a good book.

And the book offers a wonderful bonus story too! What an unexpected treat! It too, was an uplifting tale, as Vila's stories tend to be.

I am so very grateful to have had the opportunity and pleasure to read this! I hope it's the first of a series!

  — Dee Melton

My heart broke when I read the story of Trina's losses. But when she triumphed in the end, I wanted to cheer! Thank you for this uplifting book, Vila! I just love it!

  — Sandy Kirschner

My God I love this book! I think it's your best yet! Any chance this is the first of a series?

  — Cathy Marchone

Like Vila Spiderhawks's previous books, one will find that Discovering Hope is another awesome book that HAS to be read. It is a story of the hope and convictions of a strong woman who will triumph in the end.

  — Loreen Silvarahwk

Vila, please tell me that this is the first of a new series! I want to spend more time with Trina! I just love her! What a book! I think it's your best so far! Thank you so much for writing it!

  — Jennifer Hastings

I agree with you, Gina. And Vila, I just finished "Discovering Hope" and it is, without a doubt, your best work so far! It is spell-binding and so poignant....I didn't want it to end. Will there be a sequel?

  — Karen Miller

Of all the books Vila has written this one hits home the most. Loss, grief, finding yourself again. And of course having a best friend to pull you through it all. A down to earth story of HOPE and a remembrance of a time that effected every American. Wonderful story written by a person who understand the human equation in every facet of our lives. Bravo Vila, can't wait for a new one to read.
If I could I'd rate this one 10 stars! A story I will remember always. How bout a sequel?

  — Peggy Hicks

This book is one you'll immediately immerse yourself in and regret having to put down until the final page. This is unlike any of the other Vila SpiderHawk books I've read, but in my opinion, is her best work! I highly recommend it!

  — Karen

Vila's books and short stories are always very good and heart-felt. The stories are detailed. They keep you interested and wanting to read more.

  — MJ Graphics

Discovering Hope gallops. It is the most compelling, gripping of SpiderHawk's works yet. She has tapped into a devastating national experience and personalized it through deeply layered characters that are so real you will think you were just talking to one of them a couple of days ago and you're trying to remember exactly how they said something! The story takes place over a span of ten years of deeper drama and human connection than I've seen yet--and I read A LOT of books! Even if you've never read one of Vila's books before, read this one! Now! You will be so touched, and so glad you did.

Helen M. Collins, MSW
Founder, Editor, Publisher
Folk Music Ministry Magazine

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